The 7th grade students are working hard in science class to make an aquaponic. But what is an aquaponic? Mrs. Martin describes it as, “A self made contained ecosystem where the plants are grown in only water. There is a tank with fish under the garden. The fish make the fertilizer for the plants while they are getting supplied with food from the plants.” This project sounds perfect to be working on as we finish up the year. The plants that they are eating are going to be eaten at the end of the year along with the fish that are supplying the plants with fertilizer. During the later parts of this project, a guest speaker will be joining them and will show the students how to filet the fish. Then they will find a recipe that they think will taste good with the fish. Each class is split up into the 4 groups and each group has their own tasks. The 4 groups are the building crew, the cooking crew, the group that grows the plants, and the group that asks a business if they can get any fish for this project. The students that contacted the businesses were able to get enough fish for all 6 classes. Congrats to the seventh graders for being able to do this part of the project!

7th Grade Aquaponics
May 11, 2022